Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Before we say "good bye"

Hello people,

here we`re at last, almost about to finish our course. It's been a long and hard year, but I'm happy because I've seen significant changes in your performance. Now, here's a final task. I'd like you to leave a message for the students attending English Language and Expression III next year.
Anyway, I expect you to continue visiting this blog and contribute to its development by writing comments on future postings.
Farewell, dear students.

Monday, 16 November 2009

An artist’s haven in the harsh shadows of the docks by Joan Scobey (The Herald)

Joan Scobey in his article tells us about a place called “La Boca” in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He provides us its general characteristics, colourful description of the people and main activities. To this port arrived immigrants from all over the world, but mainly Calabrian and Sicilian who founded La Boca; named for the mouth of the Riachuelo River. Due to the old port so near the city residents are called “Porteños”.
La Boca is characterized by people who are painting, playing the accordion, dancing the tango and just café sitting.
The poor old wooden houses are painted in bright colours, and decorated by papier-mâché figures and cartoon portraits hanging from their balconies; examples of these are Eva, Juan Peron and Maradona.
Another picturesque view is “Caminito”, a short pedestrian cobblestone alley with a riot of coloured houses.
The most relevant activities in La Boca are playing and dancing tango. In the mid 20 century the vulgar version of the tango war refined and introduced into upscale dance clubs, or tanguerias.
The “Centro Cultural de los Artistas” in the Conventillo is an example of a Conventillo; a former house where multiple immigrants’ families live in.
Boca Juniors is the most famous football team as well as Diego Maradona who is well known all over the world.
For all this, the poet and journalist Orlando Barone , native of La Boca and descendant of Italian immigrants called this place “Republica de la Boca” for its myth and mystery.

Saturday, 14 November 2009

Dolphins. Social Behaviour. ( Wikipedia)

Dolphins are very social. they live in pods of about dozen individuals. In addition, they live in places where there is abundance of food. Dolphins can communicate by using a variety of clicks, whistles and different vocalizations. Besides, dolphins make ultrasonic sounds for echolocation. Being a member in a pod, is not rigid, thus there is interchange in common. These marine mammals can establish strong social bonds. Dolphins may stay with injured or individuals, so that they can even help them breathing by bringing them to the surface whenever needed. Dolphins in Moko and New Zealand have been seen swimming in circles so as to protect swimmers from the attack of sharks. Dolphins leap above the water surface, performing acrobatic figures. Although Scientists are not certain about the purpose of the acrobatics, they think the possibilities may be to locate schools of fish by looking at above-water some signs such as feeding birds, communicating with different dolphins, simple amusement or dislodging parasites. Playing is very important for dolphins. Moreover, dolphins play with marine algae and play fight with other dolphins. Besides, these beautiful animals enjoy riding waves.


Saturday, 7 November 2009

What do you think about social sites?

What do you think about social sites such as Facebook? Do you think they are dangerous for children or for society in general? I think, they are dangerous. I was watching the news and I heard that a 17 year-old English girl was killed by a man, who pretended to be 16 in this social site, but in fact he was 32.
She arranged the meeting through this site, facebook. The night of the meeting, she told her mum she was going to stay in a friend’s house. As she didn’t reply her mum calls, this woman decided to call the police, and unfortunately they found that the girl was killed by this man who pretended to be a good person.
In some cases, these social sites are a good way to socialize, to establish new relationships, but in some other this is a really dangerous thing to do.What do you think about these social sites? Are you in favor or against them?


Eve and the fire horse.

From my point of view, Eve and the fire horse is a really good movie. If you haven’t watched it yet, I recommend it. Why do I recommend it? I think, it’s a good movie and it contains important aspects of Chinese traits.
This story is set in Canada, it shows how a Chinese family tries to get used to live in a different society a bit far from its country, having different ways of living, chasing new opportunities, believing in a different God.
One of the two little girls of the movie, Eve, was born in the year of the fire horse. This event influences in the fortune or unfortunate that a family can have. Some sad events happen during the film, which are connected to the believes of Chinese people. I’m not going to add more details of the film, because maybe you are interested in the cultural aspects of this society and as a result you will try to discover them by your own. I hope you like it.


McDonald's Pulls Out of Iceland

Looking for breaking news to write about on the blog I found a Breaking News English Lesson which deals with the fact that the big giant McDonald has to sell his last restaurant in Iceland. This lesson plan provides great activities to deal with in our classes. I think every student will find this piece of news really interesting because they are fan of Mc Donalds’ hamburgers and surely, it is very far from their expectation to listen that they can have financial problems.
The wide range of activities provided by this webpage includes, predicting the content of the article, reading and listening comprehension, vocabulary excercises, working with dictionaries, a debate about fast food, a survey and a writing excercise about Mc Donald. The activities are meant to recycle vocabulary and structures and to allow students to learn the language while using it. Maybe some of the activities seem to be a bit difficult, but a motivated student will do his best to work them out,
Click HERE to access the page.
You can see why McDonald was pulled out of Iceland and all the activities you can use in your classes. Surely students will be motivated by the topic and the activities. Enjoy it and tell me what do you thimk about it.


Friday, 6 November 2009

Youth in danger

The news on the web is nowadays full of violence; in fact, many articles are based on violence at school or between youngsters. Moreover, teenagers fighting at the streets are easily found not only in digital newspapers, but also in videos that are uploaded in different pages by themselves. In other words, some young people enjoy sharing their own violent reactions, and they feel proud of them. As a result, teachers have to face this kind of behaviour at schools, and it does more difficult their daily work. However, we have to think about why and how adolescents start reacting this way for any problem or misunderstanding. In my opinion, they are not guilty; on the contrary, they are victims of a cruel society that excludes them, and never hears them. They feel that they are alone in this world, and many times they are right. So, they look for shelter and knock many doors, and when nobody answers they go into hiding behind drugs, alcohol, and violence. We, as society, have to learn to listen to them, understand them, love them, and help them. They need us, they need you, don’t leave them alone!!!


Plan for the class

"Any plan for your class? All classes would work things out the same way?" Click HERE and find out new ideas for your plan


“Quantum success. The astounding science of wealth and happiness”. By Sandra Anne Taylor.

If you have read or watched the movie called “The secret” by Rhonda Byrne, you are prepared to receive this detailed information about how to use the universal law of attraction to get whatever you want in life. In other words, in this book you will find step by step what you have to do using only your mind to get abundance in any aspect of your life, such as love, money, professional success, or anything you really want. Furthermore, it includes easy tasks that help you organise and decide what you are going to ask; and consequently, what you are going to reach through positive thinking. You can also find in this very recommendable book, good strategies to avoid negative thoughts, and to connect yourself with spiritual beings, such as masters and angels. To sum up, you will discover that the power is inside yourself, and that you only need to learn how to use it and focus your mind positively on what you really want to get. Finally, don’t forget to visit an interesting review about “The secret” published in this blog by Pedro in August, which includes a link to the official web site.


Saturday, 31 October 2009

Technology in the Second Language Classroom

Should teachers implement technology such as the computer network in the second language classroom? Taking into account several aspects that allow the enhancement of the teaching and learning process of a second language, this question should be answered affirmatively.
The first aspect concerns the needs of the students of the Twenty-first century. In order not to be technologically illiterate, not only do learners need to know how to write e-mails, to chat and to play with the computer, but also to surf the web to carry out some research and to master the different options the computer network offers such as audio and video conferencing, blogs, wikis and searchers groups. Moreover, they need to learn to be critical towards the material they find in the web. Most learners will acquire this critical view at school.
The second argument in favour of implementing technology in the second language classroom is related to the new approach to language teaching, the Communicative Language Teaching, which highlights the environment, the involvement of learners in the learning process, communication through interaction and collaboration, and authentic materials. E-mails and some games such as “Second Life” offer learners an authentic environment to learn the language while using it. Learners can interact and collaborate meaningfully by exchanging messages with their classmates, teachers and native speakers of the target language. The material available at Internet includes an endless quantity of sites with activities, stories, games and other resources such as online dictionaries.
Finally, there are several software programs which allow learners to improve their reading, listening, speaking skills and grammar knowledge. It has been proved that students who use these programs are more motivitated to read and listen in the target language. By using these programs, they also show more fluidity of conversation, they use more complex sentences and improve their pronunciation notoriously.
There are also some arguments against implementing technology in the second language classroom based on financial and technological difficulties. In fact, the cost of setting up a network at schools and the investment in training teachers can be expensive, so the equity of education will be harmed causing unfair educational conditions for poor school and students. Moreover, teachers and learners are required to have a certain level of technological knowledge and computer skills. Teachers should be trained to know how to make use of Internet- based materials and learners should be taught to perform guided tasks such as webquests to explore these materials and to achieve the expected outcomes. These problems are not so difficult to be solved if the government implement right policies on investment and training.
In short, computer technology is a valuable tool that should be integrated into the second language class to improve the teaching and learning process providing learners with tasks and materials relevant to their needs and interests.


More on violence

If you think that you have just heard everything about thieves and violence, there is something more about this type of crime. It was Saturday in the afternoon, no one would suspect it. She crossed the room door with a baby in arms and the scene could only generate some kidness in who saw. She simulated to be a customer. But within seconds everything changed: the woman took out a gun that was hidden in a bag, she pointed the owner of the bakery and asked him furiously where the money was. The owner told the reporters that this was the third theft suffered in the same trade since it opened its doors two months ago. He said that it was incredible to see how the woman held with one hand the baby and with the other she was pointing out him with the gun. This criminal offence was once again demonstrated the concern of several neighbours and merchants who complained by the succession of assaults during recent months.


Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Danger: strong language !

Each country has words which are considered dangerous , holy ,magic or shocking, and which are only used in certain circumstances ,or by different kind of people . In many cultures, for example , some words are associated with religious beliefs, or the other way around, these words are associated with vulgar things.Therefore, when we are speaking, we have to take into account the way of doing it, because it is likely that we sound rude. For instance, the tone of voice, it doesn´t matter what we say, it is how you say it. Even the most polite phrases can sound rude if said in an aggressive way. The sarcasm may be used to change the meaning of the phrases, sometimes by being too polite or too formal. As regards taboo words and swearwords, you have to be very careful about using them, because you don´t know what effect can produce on the other person. Some expressions, deliberately designed to shock and outrage people ,are aggressive and rude as well. For instance, "don´t be stupid·", or "mind your own business !, these phrases make the others feel angry and upset. In conclusion, there are plenty of ways of being rude , remember them and try to avoid them in a conflict situation! (taken from an extract)


Monday, 26 October 2009

Health insurance: a luxury?

An article I read on the New York Times newspaper made me feel concerned and annoyed at the same time. People having no health coverage are less likely to know if they have chronic diseases. Since they cannot afford the expensive health care costs, such diseases are not detected on time, leading to heart attacks and strokes. The article compares the insured with the uninsured Americans, and figures are really alarming. Researchers found that 46 percent of the uninsured with diabetes had never been diagnosed with the disease, compared with only 23.2 percent of insured diabetics. What`s more, 52 percent of the uninsured with high cholesterol didn`t know about their condition, compared with 29.9 percent of the insured. I believe the situation is quite similar here in Argentina where there are hundred thousands of uninsured people who cannot have access to health care. My question is: Don´t you think every individual should have free access to optimal health service?


A Frightening Experience

In 1996 I visited San Andres island in Colombia. My family and I were staying in a hotel just opposite the beach. We were having a wonderful time there when a lovely breeze became a strong and fast wind. Since it had been announced through loudspeakers that a hurricane was approaching, everybody started rushing around sealing the hotel windows and placing sand bags on the ground in order to prevent water from the sea coming into the hotel. Suddenly, as the wind began blowing even harder, guests were told to go and stay in their rooms under their beds. We were also warned against walking around the hotel garden because a coconut may fall on our heads, causing a severe injury. Despite being scared to death, I was brave enough so as to open our room door and record part of the disaster with my video camera. It was hard to believe believe how huge waves had become. We stayed all that awful day long in our room waiting for the violent hurricane to go away. On the following day, luckily safe and sound, we could witness the trail of devastation it had left and know that the eye of it had been in Nicaragua.


Women and combat duty

Women ought not to be recruited for combat duty. First of all, it is absolutely impractical. Two facilities for everything would be needed to set up. This would imply setting up two sleeping quarters, two sets of showers and two toilets. Thus, the real quantity of work would increase twofold. Secondly, troop movement would significantly slow down since the army would need more supplies and equipment in the field. Troops would lack the advantage of being prepared on the spot for a surprise attack. If an incredible amount of backup support is usually required only for men, it would definitely double with enrolled women in wartime. Last but not least, women are emotionally and physically weaker than men. Being in a genuine physical combat would imply having a lot of strength as well as courage, all of which women more often than never lack. To conclude, women should not carry out combat duty since they lack the strength to face it. Do you agree?

Monday, 19 October 2009

Spring assignment followup

Dear Students,

click on HERE and read all entries under Memo Samples and Poster Samples. Analize them in terms of coherence and cohesion, grammar, situation (context of situation). Award them a mark (1-10 scale) and justify it.


Saturday, 3 October 2009

The secret of your eyes

Directed by Juan José Campanella.
Starring: Ricardo Darin, Soledad Villamil, Guillermo Francella
From my point of view this movie is simply a piece of art, from the history that recounts, through its music to the actions of these amazing actors that even after demonstrating their talent in reiterated occasions, they surprise us with this film in which there is both to reflect and enjoy. In addition, it maintains a constant rhythm that makes time flying, maintaining the five senses of the spectator in the screen. Frankly, I really want that there are other movies such as this, because it portrays our reality and despite constant leave us the hope to believe that there may be good things in the middle of so much corruption. I was absolutely astonished, the music couldn't be more perfect to reflect the climate of each scene. Hopefully exit for sale because it is very beautiful and win all the prizes.


Many people have died in Philippine floods. (By the BBC)

I was reading an article in the BBC and this piece of news was the one that really called my attention. It is really sad, but these floods are a consequence of human behaviour.
These floods are taking place in Manila, where at least the whole town is completely under water. Power has been cut off to parts of the capital. Moreover, hundreds of people are trapped on rooftops.
Television pictures showed water flowing down roads like rivers, with the floods chest- deep and rising.
At least fifty people have been killed and thousands more are evacuated.
The Philippine’s President appealed for donations and called for calm, and she told people that they have to follow the instructions of local officials and civil defence authorities.


Friday, 2 October 2009

The catcher in the rye (J D Salinger)

It was one of the most censored books in the story of the United States ,due to several things:a vulgar language,sexual references,blasphemy,moral codes,and so on.(taught in public schools).This story starts at a mental institution and consequently,it immerses the reader in the profound mystery of his tragic life ...and ending.The main character ,Holden Cauldfield,tells the story in first person.He was expelled from the prep school in December of his school days.His teacher,Mr Spencer,informs him of his expulsion,Holden goes to visit him,who is very ill.He feels misunderstood by the entire society,out of context,lost,alone,specially as regards his family. There is a contrast of him in the story,that is his successful brother,that he calls "prostitute",because of his work,in which he sells himself in the city to reach what he wants.His brother is a writer ,that lives in Hollywood,and is called Jaguar ,like the car.He is a phony man.Interesting?Maybe this information is not enough to understand the story ,but it is a start.


Thursday, 17 September 2009

Is special our Birthday?

A birthday is the day that is exactly a year or number of years after a person was born. Some people think that b-days are nothing but another day in a calendar. But, for many of us it means more than the sum of years we have been living on earth. What makes them special is how we live it, appreciate it, enjoy it and make it important

A birthday happens once a year and it is a right moment to remember the concept of rebirth. So, we have the possibility of another chance, a new beginning. No matter how things went last year, we always have the capacity to try again.

It is a time to get together, with everyone you really love. There is no better way to celebrate a birthday than to spend the day with the people who take care of you every time you need. That is why you should appreciate all the things you have done to deserve all these people near you.

It is good to be thankful for what you have in life and what you have achieved. Every simple thing you have is part of what you really are. Every moment is a decision, and you are the only one to decide. So, enjoy everything because everything was made by you.

Make your birthday important! It is the day your story began but the important thing is that you are still alive, one more year. Remember that it is also an occasion to rethink your life and if you do not like the way…on b-days you have a new opportunity to start again.

What about you?
Is special for you your birthday?
How do you feel that day?

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Spring assignment

Dear students,

as our next meeting will take place on September 28th, I want you to organize small groups (2-4 people) and carry out the task described in this link. Send your comments to the blog and if you feel comfortable to organize the posters using power point, we can also upload them.
Before sending the posting, make sure you have gone through all the writing stages, including editing!!!

Monday, 14 September 2009

“A story for Christmas”

Last Christmas I felt a strong will to read a short story or novel. So, I looked at my collection of "books to be read... someday" and I discovered the one , the perfect story for the occasion."A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens tells the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, an extremely insensitive and antisocial businessman that has devoted his life to work very hard and hoard money. But during the Christmas Eve, he is visited by four spirits that change his life for ever.

The first one is his dead best friend and partner Jacob Marley, the man for whom he had managed "Scrooge and Marley" firm for many years. Jacob reappears in Scrooge´s life to explain to him that every man has to walk among the others. So, if it does not happen in life, he has to do it once dead. That is why Marley´s soul is condemned to wander among the living. But luckily for Scrooge, Marley´s phantom also foretells the arrival of three more ghosts that will show Scrooge the correct way for him to avoid suffering from the same condemnation.

The second ghost is the Ghost of Christmas Past. It carries him back to many places where he had spent his childhood, adolescence and early adulthood. Thus, they witness old Ebenezer Scrooge´s moments at school and home; they see Ebenezer Scrooge´s friends, his girlfriend and his family. Throughout this journey, the aim of the spirit is to remind Mr. Scrooge about his old life-style, feelings, and happy experiences; and to force him to think about his past actions.

The third ghost is the Ghost of the Christmas Present. This spirit conducts Scrooge to the city streets at Christmas morning when people are having fun and sharing moments of joy. Then, they go to visit Scrooge´s clerk and his family –poor but sweet and honest people whose youngest child is severely ill. Since they have serious problems with money, the little boy cannot have the especial medical treatment he needs. The wealthy but greedy Scrooge had always refused to help them; but now, he experiences the flavour of regret.

The fourth ghost is the Ghost of the Christmas Future. It is the most frightening specter because it never speaks to Scrooge but uses one finger to point to the things for Mr. Scrooge to look at them. They go to Scrooge´s mourning where everybody is stealing some of his possessions –except for his niece and his clerk. Thus, he realizes that since he had inflicted such cruelty on people, he receives the same treatment. Almost nobody felt sadness when he died, nor did they miss him. He clearly sees that he has passed away leaving no loving memories in the others.

Mr. Scrooge learnt the lesson. After the ghosts visits he was not any more the man he used to be. His heart was laughing and his goodness was overflowing. He made amends for his wrong actions and from that moment onward his Christmas spirit was the most shining of the town. So, this year when December comes, if you feel the Christmas spirit growing inside you, I recommend you to read Dicken´s story. I believe it is quite easy to follow. What is more, perhaps you could have something to learn from it.


Saturday, 12 September 2009

Graffiti is art or an act of vandalism ……!!

Graffiti was the first sign that gangs were taking over a neighbourhood. They used it to comunicate with their rival gangs. So, they wrote messages or draw things on the walls.I think that you will agree with me that graffiti is an act of vandalism, because this people destroy our public and private property. This affects our society and the image of our country. For me, graffiti as an act of vandalism because it is illegal and offensive, it has transformed the image of the city into a place of intolerance. For that reason, the police should defend public property. On the other hand, some people think that graffiti is more colourful, humorous and vibrant piece of art than vandalism.I think that public goods belong to every member of the community. So, as good citizens we must preserve and protect our common property. What do you think?


Friday, 11 September 2009


Hi people, this is a useful contribution sent by Claudia. Thanks!!

Monday, 7 September 2009

Lines On The Loss Of The "Titanic" by Thomas Hardy

Even though I enjoyed reading Lines on the Loss of the Titanic by Thomas Hardy, I enjoyed even more reading M.A.Peel’s analysis of the poem. I completely agree with her in that” it is a haunting poem whose theme, unexpectedly, offers a comforting way to look at heartache”.
The first part of the poem describes the ship on the bottom of the ocean and the second establishes that the catastrophe was an inevitably and unexpected event that shaked two hemispheres: the iceberg and the Titanic grew bigger at the same time to be afterwards two halves of the sinister event that took place in August, 1912.
Pen concludes the analysis of the poem relating this event to the experiences we have through our lives. There are events that are meant to be and “the twain shall be met”. What is really amazing is that Pen finds comfort in the poem because of the sense of inevitability of certain events. This inevitability takes away all the possible “if...” in our lives that very often torture us. Things have to be as they are and rarely have we the opportunity to make the choice.
For the first time I was able to see such a tragic and unfortunate event in a different way, I mean, from a somehow comforting perspective.
Click here to read the poem and M.A.Peel’s review

Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift

Gulliver's Travels is a novel written in 1774. The novel recounts the story of Lemuel Gulliver, a practical-minded Englishman who is a surgeon. Gulliver takes to the sees when his business proved to fail. Gulliver's Travels is narrated in the first person and does not show any sign of deep emotional response or self reflection. Gulliver narrates the adventures that befall him on these travels. Gulliver's adventures in Lilliput starts when he wakes after his shipwreck to find himself bound by many tiny threads and addressed by tiny captors. His captors are in awe of Gulliver but fiercely protectiveof their kingdom. Although they use violence against Gulliver with their tiny arrows, they are hospitable and risk famine in their land and still feed him. Lilliputians get to abore Gulliver because they consider him to be different, since he cracks eggs in a very different way. Later Gulliver is convicted of treason for putting out a fire in the royal palace with his urine and is condemned to be shot in the eyes and starved to death. Gulliver is able to escape to Blefuscu, where he repairs a boat and set sail to England. He stays in England with his wife and family for two months, and then he undertakes his next sea voyage. He goes to a land of giants called Brobdingnag. The natives treats him as little more than an animal, keeping him for amusement. Gulliver is sold to the queen by a farmer. Gulliver feels repulsion for the physicality of the Brobdingnagians, whose ordinary flaws are magnified by their huge size. Gulliver feels startled by the ignorance of the natives, even the king knows nothing about politics. Fortunately, Gulliver leaves the place when his cage is plucked by an eagle and dropped into the sea. Gulliver sets sail again, and after being attacked by pirates, ends up in Laputa, where a floating island onhabited by theoreticians and academics oppresses the land below, called Balnibarbi. The scientific research undertaken in Laputa and Balnibarbi proves to be totally impractical, and its residents too appear to be wholly out of touch with reality. Gulliver sail to Japan and from there back to England. In his fourth journey, Gulliver sets out as captain of a ship, buy after the mutiny of his crew and a long confinementin his cabin, he arrives to an unknown land. The land is populated by Houyhnhnms, rational-thinking horses who rule and by yahoos, brutish creatures who serve the Houyhnhnms. Gulliver learns their language and then he narrates his voyages and explains the constitution of England. The horses treat him with great courtesy and kindness and is enlightened by his many conversations with them and the exposure to their noble culture. The horses finds him similar to a Yahoo, and he is banished. Gulliver leaves the place and arrives in an island, where he is picked by a Portuguese ship captain that treats him well. Gulliver can not help seeing all humans as shamefully Yahoolike. Gulliver concludeshis narrativewith a claim that the lands he has visited belongs by rights to England, as her colonies, even though he questions the whole idea of colonialism. The novel is a satire of the society of the period in England. Where people were too much concentrated on superficial matter, and science. Moreover colonialism was a very importan aspect for England. I recommend reading this novel since it is very fanny and imaginative.

Saturday, 5 September 2009

Englishman in New York by Sting

Englishman in New York is a very catchy song by Sting, in which the writer compares New York with his hometown in England. On the one hand, the story describes typical English habits that he has to leave aside, such as the tea tradition. Besides, he highlights his culture’s values and customs like good manners and sobriety. On the other hand, the composer criticizes some negative characteristics of the new society that really annoy him. For example, their violent behaviour. In my opinion, the author can only see the worst part of American society, because he feels like “an alien” that can not fit in. However, I think that the problem is not only the difficulty to accept a new culture, but also the hard task that giving up his previous life means. In addition, this song is a great piece of music that you can enjoy even if you don’t want to analyse the lyrics.


"Exámenes" (by Nelly Fernández Tiscornia)

Last weekend I went to the theatre .It wasn't in English , but the topic is very related to our job . This play is about a student that has failed a final exam five times .His father is furious about this situation and appears in scene begging for his son in the head master's presence .It is a moving scene because he remembers his school days and an English teacher that had left the examination board because he was not ready to be objective due to his difficult behaviour during the whole year.But the scene in which the audience gave them a big round of applause was when the history teacher appears.He is the typical teacher of the old days :strict,severe,interested only in the knowledge.Unlike this teacher,a substitute teacher comes to change his narrow-minded point of view.I strongly recommend it.(Sala Armando Discepolo 12 62 y 63)


Ginger for the heart by Paul Yee

This story takes place in China. There, the buildings are stoutly constructed of bricks.
Chang, who is a merchant tailor, lives in a tower room and he rents the others. His wife and his daughter, Yenna, work together. Yenna is a really beautiful girl. All day long, she and her mum sit by the tower window and sew. They like singing while they work.
One day, a young man comes into the store, because he needs some mending. After seeing the girl, he goes there many times. They fall deeply in love. But as spring comes, he has to leave. She gives him a ginger, and tells him that she will wait for him.
After some years, the man comes back. He wants to marry her and goes to live in a farm. But she can’t go with him, because her dad can’t stay alone…
The reason that I don’t write the end of the story is because that may be you want it to discover it by your own.
I hope you like it.


The "Tomatina"

Yesterday I saw an advertisement about the world greatest tomato fight. Do you know what it is?. Well, it is called the "Tomatina". This celebration is not a religious one or even with a political significance. The first "Tomatina" took place in the mid 1940s. There, the participants must throw tomatoes each other. They have to pay for the 40,000 kilos of tomatoes used during the fight. Nowadays, this festival is an international affair and people from all over the world come to Buñol every year to enjoy the fun. Isn´t it fantastic?

Miss Squirrel

Festival of Lights in India

Last day I read an article that explained how the festival of lights was in India. As you know Diwali is the name of that festival which takes place in the Hindu month of Aswin (October/November), and it lasts four days and ends with the celebration of the Hindu New Year. On the first day, people decorate their places with rangolis, traditional patterns which people draw on the floor with different coloured powders. On the second day, people get up early and take a bath before sunrise. On the third day, they celebrate with an enormous fireworks display. Finally, the fourth day arrives and most families celebrate by dressing in new clothes and wearing jewellery. Diwalli is also celebrated by Hindus all over the world. Do you know another important celebration like this? Please answer my question because I am interested in knowing different cultures.
Miss Squirrel

Sunday, 30 August 2009

The Devoted Friend by Oscar Wilde

Are you a loyal friend or a fair-weather friend? If you are doubtful about it, you should go to the nearest book shop and get this short story in which, due to irrational behaviour, a close friendship among two men suddenly starts taking a negative turn. You will not only be reading a moving story but also a fascinating one from which you will learn to make your friendship even firmer.


Friday, 28 August 2009

Think positive, and what you think will come to you

A year ago, my mother told me that she had something for me that she received from some person she knows. This book made her remember things that I have been repeating since I was born. I strongly agree with all the things the author writes in the book but in this article I am going to focus only on the law of attraction which I like to share with all of you.
Rhonda Byrne, who is the author, had faced a particularly difficult time in life and came out of it only after she learned The Secret, which is her term for what is commonly known as the law of attraction.
The law of attraction is the most powerful law in the universe, states that people experience the logical manifestations of their predominant thoughts, feelings, and words. This gives people direct control over their lives. A person’s thoughts (whether conscious or unconscious) and feelings bring about corresponding positive or negative manifestations.
Positive thoughts bring about positive manifestations while negative thoughts bring about negative manifestations. The theory is very simple. Because it is an absolute law, the law of attraction will always respond to your thoughts no matter what they are. Thus your thoughts become things. You are the most powerful power in the universe simply because whatever you think about will come to be.
Believe it or not, we shape our own lives and destiny through the power of our minds; we shape the world that exists around us. And we choose the people who are next to us. So, I know that it is so hard sometimes but think positive and put your thoughts into action, know what you really want and ask the universe for it. Feel and behave as if the object of your desire is on its way. And be open to receiving it. And the most important thing do not blame others for your bad choices!!!!
The book is ”The secret” by Rhonda Byrne
You can also see the DVD
For more information



I have been breeding poodles for the last ten years of my life. And I must confess that thanks to them my life has changed for ever. But today, I am not going to tell you how they changed my life, what I want, is to tell you how this amazing breed is, the general appearance, character and sizes, colors and how to keep it.

If you decide to buy one, you should know that the general appearance of a Poddle is of a very active, intelligent, elegant-appearing, squarely built, and well proportioned dog that will always be moving soundly and carrying himself proudly

Although it is thought this dog is stupid, the Poodle, or better known in our country like Caniche, is considered one of the most intelligent breeds of dog. According to the standard of the breed in Argentina, we have different sizes: toy, miniature, medium, and the standard.

Regarding colors, here we have a great variety of coat colors. You usually see on streets the white ones but you could also find black, grey, brown and apricot. So, the alternative is it not only the size but you should also decide the color.

In order to keep your pet very attractive you should brush your dog’s coat and visit the dog’s groomer , at least, once every two months.Physical maintenance, like care of coat and nails, is also one of your dog's basic needs
Well, I can write a lot about them but I do not get you bored. May be next time I will tell you something more!!!


Cromañon, the judgement

Unfortunately something happened that perhaps could have been avoided, now nothing is the same, I believe that “Callejeros” are not guilty, and I think that this tragedy should hurt them and much worse .The worst is the families who lost their children, who have spent years fighting for Justice, a year, two, a hundred do not return a son, and nor I would think the brothers who must live a hell in their homes in a climate of duel and eternal revenge, with these parents that do not bury definitely his dead son because it is very difficult. There is so much hate in the world, let us stop a little and pray for the victims and let them rest in peace. I hope God gives resignation to these families . What happened is not a warning for show´s organizers who sometimes numbers not closed them and lumped people, nor the public warned about this, because when they are told there is not much more place, they insist to come in. When do we learn?


Natural wonders

The Iguazu falls first head a global vote online. The result of the survey to determine the “seven new natural wonders” of the world will know next year .The Iguazu spearhead the start of the vote on the survey which seeks to seven new natural wonders of the world, whose final results will be announced next year. The vote is performed through the site officer New Seven Wonders and aims to elect the new seven wonders natural, opting for the best destinations within 28 places that were selected as finalists. At the start of the final stage, the Iguazu surprised to occupy the top of the preferences of voters. Even this partial result was unexpected for the official support, Committee members themselves that drove the candidature of this attraction located in the province of missions, on the border with Brazil.Eventually the 7 Wonders of the World corresponded to works of men and it was understandable that you qualify them; but I believe that the wonders of nature and the creation are innumerable and by the beauty of each, it is not possible to select one easily.


Influenza A: Argentina is the most affected region in Latin America

The amount of influenza in Latin America - the most affected region of the world - deaths surpassed this week, 1,300 after an upgrade several governments, Argentina leads the rankings of deaths by the disease. The number of deaths linked to influenza A (H1N1) increased to 368 in Brazil, slightly lower than of Argentina, with 404 deaths confirmed to August 13th, the second most affected country in the world behind us (477 deaths). South America has undergone rapid expansion of the virus, within the framework of a harsh winter, and in several countries cases of swine influenza outweigh those of seasonal influenza. Chile on Wednesday reported an increase the amount of deceased by influenza A (H1N1), 116 in Colombia rose 23 and in El Salvador to 15.In my opinion, The State always is absent with health, in security with dead, and wounded injured everyday by criminal acts, and malnutrition in the country die 8 guys per day.It seems that Mrs Kirchner insists with beat all record. She likes to be the cover note. It is incredible plays with a country as if nothing. According to this, we live in the world of dreams of Moreno. But it is only a feel...


Saturday, 22 August 2009

“Many lives, many masters” by Brian Weiss

I’ve always had a strong feeling inside that there must be more in the universe that the life time. Furthermore, I’m very interested in those questions of the life after the death, angels, spirits and reincarnation, and I found lots of answers in this book. The author is a well-respected psychiatrist that uses hypnosis as a powerful tool in healing emotional problems and phobias. During the theraphy of Catherine, one of his patients, he discovered that the regression session went beyond her present life. She described different past lives with lots of details and talked about an intermediate state after death and before reincarnation, where there are spirit guides that help each person learn from their previous life. I don’t know if you believe in this kind of things (I’m not sure I believe them either) but if you have at least curiosity about the topic, this book could be a good choice to start thinking about the probability of having more than one opportunity to live.


Monday, 17 August 2009

' Can Laws stop the obssessed?'

This comment is based on an article taken from a newspaper. The article deals with the crime of 'stalking'. Stalking consists of the crime of following and watching someone over a long period of time in a way that is annoying or frightening. The writer tells the reader that there are not laws to deal specifically with stalking in Britain. In 1990 California became the first state to institute anti-stalking laws. Nowadays 31 states have laws which protect people from stalking. In addition, convicted stalkers face prison sentences ranging from30 days to 7 years and they may be fined. The article also explains that there is an International Security Management, an American firm that assesses threats of companies around the globe. The company according to this article, has input more than 500 letters and photographs onto its system, then noted phone calls, visits and other attempts to intimidate victims, as well as some of the stakers' characteristics. The writer investigations conclude in three basic types of stalkers, those who refuse to give up real relationships that have gone wrong, those who become obssessed with a superficial relationship through leisure activities or work; and those who invent completely artificial relationships with someone, usually a celebrity, whom they have never met. Finally, the last type is known as the celebrity stalker and seems to be the most difficult to track. According to the writer it is quite difficult to detect and prevent the victim from one attack. An example of this, is the experience of the 21 year old actress Rebbeca Schaeffer, who was used to receiving fan mails from admirers. She was a rising star. Robert Bardo, sent Rebbeca a lot of presents, besides he paid a detective to find Rebbeca's home. Robert called on her home one morning, and when she answered the door, he shot her once in her chest. As a consequence of the shot she died. A consultor of I.S.M says that ' people who express love are often more threatening than those who express hate or direct aggression.' I think that here in Argentina it would be very useful to create some law to protect people from stalkers. What do you think?


Saturday, 8 August 2009

An Unforgettable Journey

Three years ago, I suggested that my family, my sister’s family and I should go fishing to a quiet and peaceful place. We wanted to go to Monte in two different cars: my car and my sister’s. I went with my husband and my children, and my sister went with her husband and their daughters. We left home early in the morning and it was a beautiful and warm day. We were travelling on the road to Monte for two hours, and then I stopped to buy some things on the way. From the moment we had left the place my sister’s car engine started hiccupping and it suddenly stopped. After that, my husband towed the car to the nearest garage but there wasn’t one nearby. Consequently, we decided to go back home but I suggested stopping to fish near a lake I had seen. I didn’t realize the lake was in the middle of nowhere. Later on we spent the night and we caught a lot of fish. Late at night, while everybody was sleeping, I heard a strange noise. Suddenly I saw my car moving backwards and it sank in the lake. I woke everyone up immediately and we tied a piece of rope to the front bumper to pull it out of the water.I felt very surprised and I couldn’t understand how that had happened. The following day, we decided to go back home early since we had gone through an unhappy situation.Fortunately, I could tow my sister’s car home. It was a long and tiring journey and we were all exhausted.I will never go fishing again because it was a bad experience to me! What do you think?


Thursday, 6 August 2009

Course for teachers

Course: “La enseñanza del inglés con los géneros discursivos en los contextos escolares” (capacitación docente para educación primaria)

Tuesdays from 18 to 21 at CIE La Plata. The course begins on August 18

Teacher: Marcela Jalo

Please, spread the news about this course. Thanks.

“Barriers”, Rolando Niella.

Of all the four skills (listening, speaking ,reading and writing) speaking seems intuitively the most important: people who know a language are referred to as speakers of that language…as if speaking included all other “kinds of knowing”, and many, if not most, foreign language learners are primarily interested in learning to speak. However, one wonders whether that is when the story ends…What they really seek for is far beyond the mere fact of being able to speak a language…They want to achieve that vital phenomenon of communication which can sometimes, if not always, frustrate second language learners. Communication implies not only being able to produce utterances, but being prepared for interaction, dealing with a wide range of cultural patterns, different accents, pronunciation, intonation and certain customs one might have never had the chance to be exposed to.

Throughout this essay, Rolando Neilla, illustrates pretty clearly how he has had to manage to survive when faced whit this crucial phenomenon of daily conversation, even though he has been studying English for several years in his native country, Paraguay, and for one year as an exchange student in the United States. What is more, now that he is about entering collage in Massachusetts, he is still studying to become hopefully, one day, a “competent foreigner language speaker”…

The best way he attempts to explain these complex feelings created by his communication dilemma was by associating it to his experience of learning tennis, which has been also hurting his pride. Of the many wisely descriptive examples, one is confronted to; I would not say there is one that most effectively explains what it is meant to be second languages “user”, since all of them confront one to the many skills a proficient speaker is due to handle.

From his first comparison, of tennis players starting with a strong service with that of people speaking at an incredibly speed; to that of contrasting basic tennis game plans opponents can easily master, with lacking the experience of handling certain cultural patterns of expressing feelings and moods. Even, when he clarifies the fact of being unable to distinguish the different connotations of words and, as a consequence, not understanding the point his “opponents” are trying to make .All of them efficiently sum up what is meant to be a second language speaker. As he says “In tennis I’m not very good at predicting what “play” my opponent is trying to use; and when I do it is usually too late”. Reaction comes to late when one lacks the knack.

Playing tennis for him in general is a stressful, uncomfortable situation, which he can not enjoy at all. Likewise, everyday conversation is also very annoying; since he has to pay so much attention to things that should be automatic and to give too much thought to almost every word other people is making use of.

However when he expresses his feelings of not being natural and the fact that he often starts questioning the way...the “how to” communicate and relate to people, I would say that fact does not actually describes what a foreign language speaker is meant to be. Since that linguistic and cultural code will always be his second.

One can always aim at being fully experienced once, practising hard and even getting that feeling of mastering that language…But let’s face it; one will always be a second and not a native speaker.

One final thought…English has become a truly global language, and it is important for everyone from every country to have a clear understanding of English.
Because of the vast prevalence of English in today's world, English as a second language (ESL) is becoming increasingly vital. Those who study the English language have a wealth of opportunity ahead of them, and they also make themselves open to communication with millions and millions of people worldwide.
However, there will always be barriers… Slang, among others, has much to do with this phenomenon. Just think of the language you use while text messaging and on the Internet ("LOL" instead of "laughing out loud"). And would that be a friend on the receiving end of your message, or a mate? In Australia, the two words mean the same thing, but in America, "mate" takes on a much more romantic connotation.
For this reason, among others, it is very important for ESL teachers, especially non-native mentors, to give emphasis not only on the speaking aspect of the learners, but on the communicative as well as intercultural competence.


“Spirits of the railway” by Paul Lee

Based on a variety of experiences of Chinese immigrants who once went to Canada to build the Pacific railway, Paul Lee embarked on several stories in his original collection of “Tales from Gold Mountain”.
In one of them, “Spirits of the railway”, a young fellow tried to rescue his father who had unfortunately died under the most horrible conditions inside a mountain when building a tunnel. His father as well as some other Chinese railway workers had turned into ghosts and could not possibly rest in peace for they were never to have a respectful burial. Chu, the son, was asked by his father to appease the spirits of all the dead by consigning all their souls to grave on the top of a high cliff so that they could all leave calmly to the next world. In good time, he could eventually honor his father’s request.
The place was no longer haunted … “And spirits never again disturbed (…), nor the long trains that came later”.
A genuinely artistic as well as interesting collection of stories…You can’t miss them!
Blog-partners, could you please leave a review on some of the others?
Hope to “read” from you soon,


"The Solipsist" by Fredic Brown

In my opinion, this is a very interesting and intelligent piece of writing that catches the readers’ attention from beginning to end. The author analises egoism and selfishness through a fictional short story narrated in an ironical style. He calls the protagonist Walter B. Jehovah, who believes that there is nothing but himself and his imagination, and that he has the power of finishing the existence of everything and everybody with his mind. The name of the main character is not a coincidence because through the story you can find connections between his life and Creation. I particularly enjoyed the way the writer creates suspense and at the same time gives the audience clues about the different possibilities of ending the story. I am not going to tell you the final part because you may read it some day, but I can say that the end is the beginning of lots of questions.
Click HERE to read the story.


Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Mona Lisa Smile

I’d like to share with you an enjoyable film with the performance of Julia Roberts: Mona Lisa Smile. If you have already seen the film I hope you you will enjoy this reminder, and if you have not seen it yet, you should see it without further delay.
This film depicts American society in 1953, a transition period after which the modern independent woman will emerge.The story is set up at Wellesley College, a conservative girl’s college with prestigious reputation for academic excellence. Katherine Watson gets a teaching position in the Art History Department with the intention of making a difference by changing women’s attitudes towards their roles in society.
There are several aspects that lead to a confrontation between Katherine and the school’s directors: her ways of teaching, her points of views about feminism and the future of women, and the interaction with students.
Her methods are contrary to the ones considered acceptable by the school’s directors. Instead of following the programme stipulated, she bases her classes on modern art dealing with, at that moment, controversial and still not accepted painters such as Picasso.
Katherine strongly believes that women are not meant to become just housewives and mothers, but that they can match these roles with a career. She wants to show girls the point of attending high school which is not waiting until getting married but starting a career. She tries to open the student’s minds to their freedom to do whatever they want with their lives.
In order to achieve her objectives she interacts with students as no other teacher does. She gives them advice and helps them to find their way. She even tells a student not to get marry and helps her to apply for a university. When the student decides getting married and forgetting about university, she becomes upset because she thinks the student is wasting her future.
Though Katherine wanted to provoke the students to think for themselves and arrive at their own judgements of things, she actually tries to make them find her way and follow the path she had choosen.


Monday, 3 August 2009


I was reading the article about the couple who won the lottery last week and I imagine that if I won the lottery, I’d like to stop working or because I love travelling, I’d like to go to an exotic country, such as Thailand or Australia to meet people and learn from them new words and a new way of life. I mean, the good thing about being rich is you can do the things that you have always dreamt of and you can get what you want wherever you are. What would you do if you won the lottery?

Miss Squirrel

The Legacy

When Angela died, her husband Gilbert would have never thought that she could leave him such a legacy.One day, six weeks after Angela's death, Gilbert was waiting for Sissi Miller, Angela's secretary, to give her what his wife had left.At that moment, he noticed surprisingly that all his wife's properties were prepared to be given as a legacy to some of her friends.Unexpectely, she had left him her diary.For years neither she hadn't allowed him to read it nor to put a hand on it. He opened it slowly and carefully, and while reading he was not only surprised but sad because he realizes Angela's desire to have children or work outside, her feelings for being ignored by him.He didn't seem to have much respect for her as a person. He considered his wife to be a simple woman without much intelligence. He just wanted her to take care of him and the house and be his wife. He also learned that during a long time she had meeting a man called B.M. He read on, but the full name never appeared. While he was reading, he heared a voice in the room, it was Sissi Miller. When she entered the room, he asked her, if she knew who B.M was. She stared at him and said: " He was my brother". He was her brother, her brother who has killed himself. At that point, he could understand it sadly, she has left him his legacy: the whole truth. Desesperatelly, she has stepped off the kerb to rejoin her lover and had stepped of the kerb to scape from her lonely life.

Black Angels

Monday, 27 July 2009

Wildfires rage in Southern Europe

(taken from the BBC)
Thousands of fighters are battling to bring under control summer wildfires that are spreading across parts of Southern Europe .
At least eight people have died in different countries, where the wildfires are taking place. For example in: Spain, France, Greece and the Italian Island of Sardinia.
Spain was the most affected, with at least seven big fires in the south and east. But fortunately, some of them are now rated as stable.
During the hot dry weather, strong winds fanned the flames.
Spain’s interior ministry is preventing people from new starting fires in the following intense heat.
Leastways about 1.5OO people have been evacuated. Many people think that it’s like a horror film where everything is burning down. As a consequence of the big fires, Spain has lost six fire fighters in the last four days. Can we do anything to try to stop this kind of disasters? What is your suggestion?


Thursday, 23 July 2009


This is the summary of a short story sent by Anush.

This is a short story, which is really lovely and interesting for children.
Maisie is a thirteen- year old girl. She lives in the Bahamas with her parents and her grandfather.
Her parents are vets and they work at the freeport animal hospital that is next to their house. The hospital is not doing well, so they have to think about selling their house and the hospital too.
On saturdays, Maisie and her grandfather often go out in his boat, which is called “The warm wind”. Once, Maisie sees something underwater, it was a piece of wood that had some letters on it: “m.n.a” when she went to tell her grandfather about that, they saw an expensive American boat and a dolphin. Suddenly they saw that the boat hit the animal, and after that he drove away. As soon as they could they took the dolphin to the freeport animal hospital and to their surprise they saw that the American boat was there at their house. When they got into the house the owner of the boat, Carl Flint, was talking with Maisie`s dad. Carl wanted to buy the house and the hospital in order to build a big hotel. Maisie`s dad was not sure of selling them, but they didn`t have enough money to keep the hospital open. So, he was going to think about selling them and then he would call Flint.
Some weeks later, Ben, the dolphin is taken back to the sea, because it`s better.
One day, while Maisie was swimming underwater she saw a box. She opened it and there she found thousands of gold coins.
The next day, she appeared in the newspaper.
Fortunately, they were not going to sell both buildings. And with the money that Maisie found they built a new hospital and live there happily.

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Expectations shape behaviour

Surely you have heard that if you fear for something it is bound to happen. But I have never thought that this could be applied even to economic events. In an article in the Buenos Aires Herald it is argued that psychology matters a lot and that many of the consequences of global recesion, such as inflation, are shaped by what workers, managers and investors expect. In this article it is said that if they fear inflation, they act in ways that bring it about. This argument is based on what happened after the recession in late 1948 and 1949 when inflation stopped because people did not expect it to continue. Economists say that inflation is the result of too much demand chasing too little supply. Is it possible for both arguments to be correct? What do you think? Can psychology influence economy?
To read the article click HERE.


A sweet story for a gloomy afternoon

Do you like stories? Well, this one is somehow connected with the Apollo Landing in 1969. But in fact, it goes beyond that event. It has to do with family relationships, childhood, memories, affection. Though it is written in Spanish, I think it worth reading; but remember, your comments must be in English. The name of the story is "El abuelo en la Apolo". Click HERE to read it.


The Moon, 40 years ago.

It is likely you can recognize these famous words:"That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" and immediately you associate them with the lunar landing mission in 1969. The astronauts Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins became not only the first humans to land on the moon but also the symbol of friendship around the world because we celebrate the friend's day in their honour. I found it difficult not to relate these events with some myths. Maybe you heard about the story that says that mission was a fake. It is said that it was a staging made in the Hollywood studios, but Americans managed to dismiss those versions and there nothing happened. All in all, today we celebrate a new anniversary of the first landing on the moon , an experience to envy!


Warrior's Song by Catherine Coulter

Warrior's Song is a romantic novel. The novel depicts the eighteen years old princess Chandra de Avenell. Although Chandra looks like a delicate golden princess, she fights like a warrior. Moreover this beautiful blue eyed girl wears a warrior's pride and wants to be free and independent for ever. She does not want to get marry in order to help and protect her father who taught her to fight as a man.
Chandra's father chooses her a husband, Sir Jerval de Vernemon. Her father considers Chandra can not live as a man because she is a beauty. The moment Sir Jerval is introduced to Chandra he gets mad in love with her, however, Chandra likes him as a friend and enjoy riding with him. The
Chandra gets maried to Jerval against her will and threatend by her father. Chandra leaves her kingdom to settle down in her husband's kingdom. Jerval is so deeply heart with her wife's behavior that he even hits her once so that she stops running away early in the mornigs to be in the forest or doing different warrior's activities.
At the end of the novel Chandra is really in love with her husband. She is able to be loyal to her husband after facing really hard situations that make her realize that war and fighting are not something to be proud about since many innocent people die. She is pregnant and they are terrifically happy.
I highly recommend the novel because it depicts the limited possibilites women had many centuries ago. In addition, Warrior's Song also shows that women in some countries were treated just as sexual objects that can be taken for rich men without any kind of consideration.


Monday, 20 July 2009

Realism and Debate in Entre Les Murs

Hi people, this is a contribution sent by Claudia. Hope you find it useful. Anahí

March 19th, 2009 by Gautam (taken from
In France, school education is “gratuit et compulsaire”- meaning it is free and compulsory. Students are sent to various “levels” of schools according to their academic performance and behavior, resulting in a world where smart kids get to learn and grow with smart kids and the not so smart ones share their classrooms with other under-performers and hope that if they study hard and behave themselves, they will probably get to go to a better school the following year.
This is the setting for the film in question “Entre Les Murs” better known to English audiences as simply “The Class”. The title literally translates into English as “Between the Walls”- a clever title indeed as it signifies the long association that exists between the words “walls” and “classroom” and at the same time brings about the restrictive and claustrophobic nature of being “in between” walls. The premise of the story comes from the semi-autobiographical book written by François Bégaudeau, who rather aptly also takes on the lead role of the French teacher François Marin. The film, like the book follows the teacher’s daily routine at the school (named “Dolto”)- in the classroom and the teacher’s lounge through a whole academic year. Indeed, the camera never leaves the school campus resulting in a concentric irony that while the students are trapped “Between the Walls” of the classroom, the teachers are themselves trapped “Between the Walls” of the school.
Day by day we see the teachers struggle to make sense out of their present situation and try to come up with the “one perfect” way that will apply well to all students in unanimous agreement but we see how futile these attempts are when we follow Monsieur Marin in his racially diverse class and his constant attempts to try and cater to each and every student the best he can. Marin slowly realizes that his classroom is somewhat a miniature France itself- racially diverse, religiously tolerant and connected only by the golden yarn of the French language. This is perhaps the very first time in cinema where an accurate depiction of a racially diverse classroom has been done with such little drama (…) all so diverse and all in the need of separate attention and a separate method of teaching.
The film raises a lot of important questions in the form of the teachers making some tough decisions that they think are morally viable but at the same time we see the students’ disillusionment in the system is only further confirmed with their acts. Marin, though at first seems unlike his colleagues in terms of being able to better communicate with his students, slowly gets himself involved in questionable methods to bring order to his class. Perhaps, it is this moral ambiguity and the level of realism used in the film that bring about the third dimension in vast emboss in this film- it’s not a Freedom Writers (2007) or a Dangerous Minds (1994) both semi-autobiographical accounts of teachers dealing with a racially diverse classroom, but unlike a Hillary Swank or a Michelle Pfeiffer, François Bégaudeau doesn’t end up changing a class that can’t sit together in the same room to a group of individuals who are ready to take a bullet for each other.
On the technical side, the film really shines. Set to the rich, warm palettes of the Parisian sun and with the skillful use of the hand-held camera (a rare skill, often put to bad use by inexperienced cinematographers simply aping their role-models), the film rides on at its own pace over a tolerable time frame of just over two hours. One only notices at the end credits, that there is not a single instance of music in the film and perhaps certain unseasoned audiences may even perceive this film as a documentary. And to an extent, it really is documentary. All the actors playing the students in the film are students of the school themselves and playing roles with the same name as themselves- save for Khoumba and Soulaiman- both names and stories manufactured especially for the film to create certain important plot points in the film.
In the end, one can only debate on how deep or how shallow the film is but it is this very fact that people are sitting around their dinner tables and debating the validity of this film is what makes it a significant film.
“Entre Les Murs” won the prestigious Palmd’Or at the 61st Cannes FilmFestival (2008).

TOM SAWYER by Mark Twain

Did you know that Mark Twain's real name was Samuel Clement?And that this pseudonym was taken from the shout that the sounding lines leave during the navigation in the Misissipi River in order to measure two metres deep? Tom Sawyer is his most well known book ,in which he writes not only a boy's startling image but also life ,customs and habits as regards the inhabitants that lived in the second half of the 17 th century.The admirable touches of humour,tenderness and realism make of this novel one of the most lovely ones for all ages ,children and adults.Tom ,the brilliant main character,an adventurous boy, a kind of pseud-hero,cheeky and smart, will do that you were moved to tears.


Tuesday, 14 July 2009

“I have a dream” (by Martin Luther King)

Dreams are dreams... but Dr. King´s one became real. Everything began in the late golden ´50s when Martin Luther King and a group of AfricanAmerican people decided to stop white-supremacy in USA. Since then, they fought hard against racial discrimination and for their civil rights. After many difficulties and achievements he called for a march to Washington and delivered his famous speech “I have a dream” considered as the turning point of the fight.

One summer day in 1963 King´s words of hope and encouragement echoed stronger than ever. They had the aim to support the proposed civil rights legislation through a series of non-violent actions. Therefore, while claiming dignity and discipline, he asked his people to be creative during protests by avoiding the use of physical violence. What is more, he explained that white people were not the enemy –in fact many of them were taking part of the march.

It was very clear for King that the American Dream had left black people appart. The rights of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness for the Negro community had been systematically violated throughout two centuries. Thus, since he considered the Nation owed them those rights, King asked for “the cash of their check”. In King´s words both the USA Constitution and the Declaration of Independence were supposed to guarantee such inalienable rights for everyone for human beings are created equal by God. However, the Negroes were not free.

In spite of many frustrations and triumphs King´s speech displayed faithfully the spirit of black people fighting. It was a glorious day, a moment of hope for justice, brotherhood between black and white people, and peace for everyone. And as if he were foreseeing the future, it was “a beginning, not an end”.



Do you have to smile at clients at work? According to a BBC article, the people working for a rail firm do have to. This firm has recently introduced a computarised system to check on its staff`s faces. In order to improve service to customers, a smile scanner will measure the smile`s curvature, so the staff should smile broadly. The system will be operating in around 15 Tokyo stations, and those employees who don`t smile will be advised to look less serious and more friendly. In this way, rail firm owners will expect a high increase in their passengers` satisfaction with the service.


Tuesday, 7 July 2009

An anecdote

Last day, I had to teach my students some characteristics related to reptiles. Of course, I had to read about them just in case. When the class started, they tried to be curious in discovering new information and they shared the material they had brought. Some minutes later, one group started the project about snakes and they wanted to know all sorts of snakes, if they are dangerous, or if they live all over the world. I told them, that snakes are very easy to recognize as they have long and thin bodies, and no arms or legs. They were totally enthutistic with the process of the class and they found it completly different, because they realized that they could work together in a relaxing way. If we think that they are only six years old, we will probably undestand that anger for learning. To sum up, my students showed me the pleasure of learning from others.

Miss Squirrel

Violence at schools! Boy arrested over school stabbing

This piece of news is about violence inside schools. This problem is occurring all over the world. Students` behaviour is getting worse day by day. They are out of control. The reason is that they are more violent, rude and aggressive, due to the games they play and the programs they watch.
This is a serious problem that has to be taken into account and try to find a solution as soon as we can.
Nowadays, there is no difference between boys and girls. If there is any problem with a classmate, they work it out fighting and if there is any problem with a teacher, they also work it out in the same way.
Moreover some students upload their videos` fights on websites.
Lately, on our country, there have been some violent situations in which teachers have been hit by students and also by students` mothers. There is no control at schools, so students sometimes have in their bags dangerous elements such as knives, guns and other objects that can hurt people.
Last year there was a case, in which a student punched his teacher after school. The solution for this was that he was not able to go to school for three days, as a result of his violent behaviour he was the center of attention for all the news and some TV programmes.
I wish this matter of violence could have a solution as soon as possible.
What do you think about? Do you have any solution or proposal that you want to share?


Unstoppable Rise of English!

I read an article, which refers to the rise of English among other languages. This situation takes place in Africa, where just over half of fifty-two countries speak French. Due to the increase in the use of English, French is spoken only in France, some parts of West Africa, parts of Canada and Switzerland.
Because of globalization and other circumstances English has emerged as a backbone for growth and development, not only in the region but also around the globe.
As France cares more about its language, it has waged a long and expensive campaign to guarantee the survival of a French- speaking zone in central and West Africa.
Knowledge of both English and French is required for University entrance, but statistics say that only three percent of the population can speak English fluently.
Is also reflects that Rwandans speak kinvarwanda and they have no need for a “lingua franca” to communicate among themselves.
And it says that only those going into higher education or working with foreigners need any other language at all, so only eight percent of Rwandans speak fluent French after all this time.


Friday, 26 June 2009

The Barbie

I´m going to talk about what people in the world think about the doll Barbie. Some years ago I had to prepare this topic for a final exam and I enjoyed it a lot because I discovered many things about this famous doll that I hadn´t imagined.It´s said that Barbie denies individuality, Barbie image denies fatness, shortness and ugliness. It´s really difficult for women to reach the standard.Secondly, they say the image is Western. That is to say, beauty is supposed to be white. This standar can raise the issue of racism. Also many years ago you could buy a Chinese Barbie in New York. It seemed that Mattel plays pays attention to some ethnic group. They´re just the limited edition, which means a minority in the world Barbie.Apart from that, a famous doll test in 1950 showed that many black kids preferred a white doll over a black doll. Another opinions go that when one watches a commercial for Barbie doll, there is always one with black hair, one with blonde and one with brown. The blonde is always standing in the middle, and they just show the others at the end. What kind of image can we say this image is sending to our children? Because when it´s time to show the new dolls, it´s always the one with blue eyes and blonde hair that takes center stage.It´s believed that Barbie also distinguishes gender very clearly in terms of the one who is supposed to play with it. Under the social gender ideology, Barbie only belongs to girls. Boys should to be like robots and women should be like Barbie. This binary opposition causes sexism.Finally, when parents buy the plastic doll for their children, they don´t realize that it was modeled after a prostitue. This is not the only way that she is a bad influence to the little girls, in the world, we live today, where body image seems to be everything, having young children grow up looking at the image of Barbie could be very damaging to their self-steem. The doll with large breasts, a typical body and a fashionable wardrobe give children an unrealistic view of an ideal woman.


Wednesday, 24 June 2009

A framework for planning a listening skills lesson

Maybe we are not so aware of listening strategies as we are of reading ones. I want to share with you a teaching sequence to develop students’ listening skills that can be applied in our classes.
Nik Peachey is a teacher, trainer and materials writer. His article “A framework for planning a listening skills lesson” has been published at The British Council website.
Within this article he describes a framework for listening development that he has found to be effective and motivating for his students. He divides this basic framework in three stages: pre-listening, listenig and post-listening.
During the pre-listening stage, students will be motivated and prepared to listen.The text have to meet their interest and the activities have to arouse their curiosity As reagrds the preparation, some relevant and specific vocabulary and expressions should be anticipated. Apart from this, the text has to be contextualized with tasks that contribute to provide its original environment.
At the listening stage, teacher should provide a wide range of activities. The activities after the first listening should be easy and their aims should be to get the general idea of the text; the ones after the second listening should demand a greater and more detailed understanding of the text. Finally, students check their answers or give a different interpretation of the text.
The third stage involves the post-listening. At this stage, the activities can be focused in the content of the text or in the linguistic forms used to express it. The former type of activities will focus on students reactions, while the latter will allow their development of the language.
Needless to say that this can be applied to any kind of listening, even a song. If you want to see an example of how you can use this framework you can visit the website by clicking HERE.
I found this framework really interesting and useful. I think it is worth your while applying it.


Sunday, 21 June 2009

Exclusive Airline for Pets!

As I was reading the Argentinian newspaper ´´``, I came across an offbeat article. From 14th July onwards, there will be an exclusive airline for domestic animals. According to its founders, it is the first one of this kind in the entire world. ´´ Pet Airways`` is starting to operate in the United States on July 14th and a one-way ticket will cost 149 dollars.
Human beings can`t board the plane but the pilot and the flight attendants who will be fully devoted to the ´passangers.`
Animals will be flying on a rebuilt Beechcraft 1900, in private cages placed in the usual passangers seats` place.
It`s going to be a weekly flight with stops in New York, Washington, Denver and Los Angeles.
The couple Alysa Binder and Dan Wiesel created this airline since, in their opinion, animals suffer a great deal on flight. The idea of founding ´ Pet Airways` was developed after a holiday trip when her female Terrier arrived completely stressed.
Two hours before the plane takes off, pets` owners can do the check-in in a lounge for animals where flight attendants will check on them every fifteen minutes and during the flight there will be enough pee breaks.
After arriving, the animals can be picked up from a special room in which they will be relaxed and calmed down.
Wouldn`t be nice to have something similar here in Argentina? What do you think?


Poor Visitor and Nostalgia

Last day, I was reading an interesting short story, and then a poem which called my bell. So I decided to try taking out the most relevant topics for making a comparison, taking into account the cultural environment."Poor Visitor" is a short story that can be compared to the poem "Nostalgia". Firstly, because they share the theme: to go abroad in search of a better life. Both Dávila, who is the author of "Nostalgia", and Jamaica Kincoid, who is the author of "Poor Visitor", migrate to New York. In the poem, Dávila opens his own store, on the other hand, Jamaica works for a family as a nanny. Another aspect in common is the homesickness that the protagonists feel. They miss the warm and pleasant weather of their countries, Jamaica Kincoid was born in Antigua, which is a warm place, likewise, Dávila was born in Puerto Rico, and they have to face a really cold winter. They also pray for eating again their food because, in the case of Lucy, a character, she misses her grandmother´s home cooking. Similarly, Dávila misses his country´s native food. I invite you to read them and make any comment. I don´t want to give more details, because I am interested in what you are going to say. They will really enjoy you, because in a way you can compare them with the reading in the blog.

Miss Squirrel

Saturday, 13 June 2009

What is with the weather??

Sometimes we think that climate change is fifty years away or that it will be a problem to be solved by our grand-children but you know? We are so wrong. According to the world´s experts- the UN´s Intergovernmental panel on climate change- the earth is warming faster that at any time in the past 10.000 years.

The effects of temperature rise are already being experienced on a global scale. For example, in April 2007 has been the warmest month in the United Kingdom since 1865. And in the U.S.A at least eight states has faced severe or extreme drought, during the last years.

Scientists predict that hurricane and tornados will increase in intensity and range as a result of climate change. This means that category 4 and 5 storms, like the one that flooded New Orleans, will become more and more common.

Global warming is fast transforming weather patterns and threatens many millions of people with disaster. The direct knock-on effects of climate change could lead to a billon people becoming refugees.

Some of the effects predicted are:

Sea level rises: This will drown many coastal cities and Small Island
Extreme weather events: floods, droughts and hurricane.
Changes in rainfall patterns, altering the timing of seasons
People die: The world health organization say that 150.000 people already die every year from climate change, and people in developing countries are four times more likely to die en natural disasters than people in developed countries.


Friday, 12 June 2009


Claudia sent this useful information. Thanks!! If you click on the image it gets bigger and you can read it perfectly well. Anahí

Saturday, 6 June 2009

A funny book

Here is the link to a book that I personally love. Just click HERE to read and enjoy it. Then, rememeber to write a comment.

I, the axolotl!

An axolotl, in case you don´t have any idea about it, is a Mexican amphibian –animal living both on land and in water. Julio Cortazar´s short story untitled “Axolotl” describes quite briefly a confusing relationship between one axolotl and a man who periodically visits it in the aquarium. Thoughout the story, the author changes the narrator´s viewpoint continuously until he ends this amazing tale in an unexpected way.

Day after day, the animal and the man establish an increasing strange connection between them. They observe each other imagining the other´s world, trying to communicate and transmit messages. The animal gets human traits, the man is imprisoned.

As a reader you become deeply involved in such a fantastic atmosphere and eventually you may ask yourself whether you are the observer or the one who is observed.


Sunday, 31 May 2009

Mrs Bixby and the colonel´s coat by Roald Dahl

Mr and Mrs Bixby were married and they lived in New York. He was a dentist and she had full of life.
Once a month she travelled by train to Baltimore to visit her aunt, but the aunt was an excuse for her. She had an affair with a wealthy man, who was called the colonel. He lived alone with a few servants.
It was for christmas, Mrs Bixby had met him. After that, she was waiting the train, and suddenly the colonel´s servant gave her a box.
As soon as she was on the train, she oponed the box and saw a beautiful black mink fur coat, with an envelope. She read that they could not longer see each. So she had to think how she could keep the coat….
When she arrived to Pensilvania station, she took a taxi and went to a Pownbroker. She left her coat for fifteen dollars till Monday. The shop assistant gave her a ticket without name or address. Then she got home and told her husband that she found a ticket in the taxi.
The next day her husband went to the Pownbroker. Later he phoned her and told that he had the thing. So she went to his office very excited, but he gave her a little fur neckpiece, not the coat. She felt very angry. When she went out of the office she saw Mrs Pulteney, the secretary of her husband that she was wearing the black mink coat, that the colonel had given to her.
I would recommend this book because it shows us how people think, feel and interact among themselves and how the relationship between a husband and a wife change with the pass of time.


“The Scarlet Letter”, Nathaniel Hawthorne. (Language & Culture III)

Set in New England, America, in the 1690’s. The society had very strong puritanical beliefs –many people had been persecuted in England for them- and their laws and customs reflected them.
Scarlet was the colour of sin and the letter “A” stood for “Adultery”… Hester Prynne was fortunate that she was not executed for having had a child born outside marriage. Her sin was felt to reflect on her daughter, Pearl, and indeed on the whole community. The fact that her husband was presumed dead saved her life. It would have been all the more shocking to the people in town to discover that Hester’s partner in sin was their own priest, Mr Dimmesdale.
What is your opinion of the novel? What about the characters, symbols, or motifs? Can we share views in our blog??? Hope so…


I am reading a novel called "The Scarlet Letter" written by Nathiel Hawthorne which shows an interesting mixture among sin, knowledge and human conditions. This story represents the nature of evil and the identity of the society in those times. It also illustrates intricate pieces of the Puritan lifestyle. I really enjoy all the mistery that the characters have and all the situations that happen with passion and devotion. What is your opinion about it?

Miss Squirrel

'The Scarlet Letter?, by Nathaniel Hawthorne.
The novel takes place in a Puritan village. It is full of symbols. The novel depicts Hester Pryne's life who has been condemned publicly for adultery. She is forced to use a letter 'A' stitched in gold and scarlet on her clothes. This letter 'A' stands for 'adulterer'. Hester has borne an illegitimate child, however she refuses to reveal the name of the child's father. Hester can choose to leave the village and settle down in a place where nobody knows about her past, but she prefers staying there since she feels that the baby is the result of true love. Sin is one of the main symbols of the novel. Hester is a sinner, but also the priest who is the father of the little child. The novel shows how both characters Hester and the priest live and accept their 'sin' in a different way. This novel is a 'Romantic' novel since it is full of symbols and contains many descriptions about nature, such the forest, the town, night, etc. I think reading this novel helps us to picture how difficult it was for women to live in a prejudiced and chauvinist Puritan society.

“Live and Become “

Aren’t you tired of watching Classical American movies? Let me recommend you a French one in which the spoken languages are Amharic, Hebrew and French, but you can choose the subtitles in English and there you are! An English text. But apart from the French origin, this movie is a marvelous piece of art within a historical background that at least for me is really interesting. The movie is called “Live and Become “or “Va, Vis et Deviens”or “Ser digno de ser” made in 2005. It’s about an Ethiopian Christian boy who is placed by his mother with an Ethiopian Jewish woman whose child has died. She makes him pretend to be Jewish to escape famine and emigrates to Israel during Operation Moses in 1984 based on the belief that Ethiopians are descendants of Israelite tribes. This population is known as Falasha and constituted The Beta Israel community.- I highly recommend this film, it’s a bit long but don’t miss the effective end.


Wuthering Heights

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte is a novel that was published in 1847 but it is settled in late Eighteenth Century. This story is about love as well as hatred; it moves in a tragic circle from peace and harmony to violence and suffering. The author shows through the relationship between the characters, the fears that upper middle class felt about the posibility that the lower classes could make a revolution like the one in France. This social class did not have official titles, so they belonged to a fragile social position; and this conditioned them at the moment of choosing between love and social ambitions. I highly recommend this novel because you would enjoy it from the very beginning. It is a story that contains passion, betrayal, revenge, cruelty, love, and anything you could expect from it.


Tuesday, 26 May 2009

The Valentine Generation

It`s a short story about a girl who writes a horrible letter to her boyfriend because she has seen him having dinner with a young pretty girl. Then she regrets having posted that that letter and wants it back. She waits for the postman to arrive not far Hawai from the pillar box. When she sees the postman she approaches him and asks him politely to give her letter back to her. At first, he strongly refuses to do it so because he might lose hisjob. In fact, he is asked to break one of the firmest regulations at the Post Office. She uses her feminine ways to try and make the postman help her. They exchange opinions about the concept of love which are completely different from one another since both characters belong to different generations. While the postman belongs to the ´´ valentine generation`` in which lovers used to send each other Valentines and give one another keepsakes, the girl belongs to a younger generation in which love is freer and physical appearance and sexual attraction are thought to be more important.
I fully recommend you this good story in which you will clearly see marked differences between two different generations including ideas, values, feelings, opinions and interests.


Thursday, 21 May 2009

"History of private life" by Philippe Aries and Georges Duby

I am reading at this moment "History of private life" by Philippe Aries and Georges Duby. It is a book related to the ritual of organizing the burgeoisie's private life. In that centuries (18th/19th) women charged with this dull duty. They were not only the main responsible for making arrangement or preparations for private life, but also the main capable of expressing feelings. If you take a brief glance at a picture of that period, you are likely to see the typical family pose: the parents and children under a tree, in a natural framework. Another outstanding characteristic of that period is the dinner's time. They used to have dinner early in the afternoon, they were frequently at the table at five o'clock. It this a curiosity because nowadays we are not at the table until ten. To sum up, daily life habits and the roles of the family have changed throughout the years and next generations will go on transforming it.


Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Talk on cohesion

This information was sent by one of your classmates.
DEVELOPING UNITY IN A TEXT: COHESIVE RESOURCES Saturday 23rd of May 15 hs Open class Free of charge Lecturer: Lic. Mariana Dayan * Please enrole at: 4582-5966 or call 15 6822 6756 Queries? * Joaquìn V. Gonzàlez graduate, Univ. Nac. del Litoral graduate (Linguistics)

Monday, 18 May 2009

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

By Dave Collett
Article from :
Visited on May 10th, 2009. 01:41am
The article about racial discrimination written by Dave Collett deals with the more important facts of Nelson Mandela’s life and with the apartheid. Beyond any doubt, Nelson Mandela is one of the world’s greatest heroes of the Twentieth Century. Not only did he fight to free the people of South Africa, but also to achieve racial equality. Because of his struggle he was arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment in 1962. He was released in 1990. Three years later, in 1993, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to abolish racial discrimination in South Africa. In 1994 he became elected president of South Africa and he retired in 1999. He is an inspiration to all the deprived and oppressed people in the world and has never tolerated any form of racism. Concerning the apartheid, its plan was created to repress and oppress non-white people living in South Africa. They were deprived of education, health care and jobs . Apart from this, it was obligatory for a black person to carry a passbook containing their fingerprints, photo and information whenever they wanted to enter a non-black area. In spite of the fact that they were in their own country.
Some years after the Sharpeville Massacre, which left 69 casualties and 187 wounded by the police, on March 21, 1960, the United Nations General Assembly declared that day as the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and called on all international communities to work together to fight against racial discrimination as well as to commemorate this tragedy in hopes of a better future for the world.
I think that everybody should get to know about Nelson Mandela’s life. Apart from being a heroe, he is an example because of his courage and commitment to his ideals. He said about his ideal of a democratic and free society: “It is an ideal, which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die".

Changes on Earth by the end of the century if the population goes on increasing at its present rate

If the population of the Earth goes on increasing at its present rate, there will be serious environmental problems. Such as pollution, deforestation, starvation or overpopulation. But what I think is the worst target to control is pollution all over the world. As you know, to pollute is to make air, water, oil, etc dangerously impure or unifit for use, it happens when rivers are polluted by waste products from factories or when people, who aren´t conscious about the damage they commit, throw out trash where they are. To sum up, what I´d like to say is that human race has only one chance to survive in this planet, we simply have to think about our future.
Miss Squirrel

"Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen

Last month I read "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen. If you like reading romantic novels it is a good choice. This story happens in the 19th century. The characters are a family with five daughters, of course they are not married yet. The eldest and more beautiful daughter is the main character; she has a strong personality. All the story takes place in a village and it is centred around the main character, a rich man and the strange authority of her father. I liked it. It is a love at first sight and the end is what you have expected: a victorious love. And why the title? you answered...because she is very proud and he is very prejudiced. you have to find out the reasons reading this book.