Saturday 31 October 2009

More on violence

If you think that you have just heard everything about thieves and violence, there is something more about this type of crime. It was Saturday in the afternoon, no one would suspect it. She crossed the room door with a baby in arms and the scene could only generate some kidness in who saw. She simulated to be a customer. But within seconds everything changed: the woman took out a gun that was hidden in a bag, she pointed the owner of the bakery and asked him furiously where the money was. The owner told the reporters that this was the third theft suffered in the same trade since it opened its doors two months ago. He said that it was incredible to see how the woman held with one hand the baby and with the other she was pointing out him with the gun. This criminal offence was once again demonstrated the concern of several neighbours and merchants who complained by the succession of assaults during recent months.


1 comment:

  1. Violence is present every day and everywhere. We open the newspaper or watch tv, and we find that many violent cases have ocurred in short time.What can we do to stop this?I think that woman won`t be a good example for her kid. Nowadays there are not safety places to live, violence is spreaded all over the country.I hope we can solve this problem immediately, if not innocent people will continue dying as a result of this violent society.
