Monday 3 August 2009

The Legacy

When Angela died, her husband Gilbert would have never thought that she could leave him such a legacy.One day, six weeks after Angela's death, Gilbert was waiting for Sissi Miller, Angela's secretary, to give her what his wife had left.At that moment, he noticed surprisingly that all his wife's properties were prepared to be given as a legacy to some of her friends.Unexpectely, she had left him her diary.For years neither she hadn't allowed him to read it nor to put a hand on it. He opened it slowly and carefully, and while reading he was not only surprised but sad because he realizes Angela's desire to have children or work outside, her feelings for being ignored by him.He didn't seem to have much respect for her as a person. He considered his wife to be a simple woman without much intelligence. He just wanted her to take care of him and the house and be his wife. He also learned that during a long time she had meeting a man called B.M. He read on, but the full name never appeared. While he was reading, he heared a voice in the room, it was Sissi Miller. When she entered the room, he asked her, if she knew who B.M was. She stared at him and said: " He was my brother". He was her brother, her brother who has killed himself. At that point, he could understand it sadly, she has left him his legacy: the whole truth. Desesperatelly, she has stepped off the kerb to rejoin her lover and had stepped of the kerb to scape from her lonely life.

Black Angels

1 comment:

  1. Hello Black Angels,

    we'd like to know why you decided to write about this story. How did you feel while reading it? Did you learn anything?
