I´m going to talk about what people in the world think about the doll Barbie. Some years ago I had to prepare this topic for a final exam and I enjoyed it a lot because I discovered many things about this famous doll that I hadn´t imagined.It´s said that Barbie denies individuality, Barbie image denies fatness, shortness and ugliness. It´s really difficult for women to reach the standard.Secondly, they say the image is Western. That is to say, beauty is supposed to be white. This standar can raise the issue of racism. Also many years ago you could buy a Chinese Barbie in New York. It seemed that Mattel plays pays attention to some ethnic group. They´re just the limited edition, which means a minority in the world Barbie.Apart from that, a famous doll test in 1950 showed that many black kids preferred a white doll over a black doll. Another opinions go that when one watches a commercial for Barbie doll, there is always one with black hair, one with blonde and one with brown. The blonde is always standing in the middle, and they just show the others at the end. What kind of image can we say this image is sending to our children? Because when it´s time to show the new dolls, it´s always the one with blue eyes and blonde hair that takes center stage.It´s believed that Barbie also distinguishes gender very clearly in terms of the one who is supposed to play with it. Under the social gender ideology, Barbie only belongs to girls. Boys should to be like robots and women should be like Barbie. This binary opposition causes sexism.Finally, when parents buy the plastic doll for their children, they don´t realize that it was modeled after a prostitue. This is not the only way that she is a bad influence to the little girls, in the world, we live today, where body image seems to be everything, having young children grow up looking at the image of Barbie could be very damaging to their self-steem. The doll with large breasts, a typical body and a fashionable wardrobe give children an unrealistic view of an ideal woman.
Aula Cavila UNLP
6 years ago
I think that your piece of writing is really interesting.I share some of the ideas that you developed. It seems that nowadays image is the most important thing when you meet or want to know somebody.
ReplyDeleteThis idealism of the perfect woman can bring many serious illness such as Anorexia and Bulimia, which are not so easy to stop them and that in some cases they cause death.