Saturday 14 November 2009

Dolphins. Social Behaviour. ( Wikipedia)

Dolphins are very social. they live in pods of about dozen individuals. In addition, they live in places where there is abundance of food. Dolphins can communicate by using a variety of clicks, whistles and different vocalizations. Besides, dolphins make ultrasonic sounds for echolocation. Being a member in a pod, is not rigid, thus there is interchange in common. These marine mammals can establish strong social bonds. Dolphins may stay with injured or individuals, so that they can even help them breathing by bringing them to the surface whenever needed. Dolphins in Moko and New Zealand have been seen swimming in circles so as to protect swimmers from the attack of sharks. Dolphins leap above the water surface, performing acrobatic figures. Although Scientists are not certain about the purpose of the acrobatics, they think the possibilities may be to locate schools of fish by looking at above-water some signs such as feeding birds, communicating with different dolphins, simple amusement or dislodging parasites. Playing is very important for dolphins. Moreover, dolphins play with marine algae and play fight with other dolphins. Besides, these beautiful animals enjoy riding waves.


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