Tuesday 14 July 2009


Do you have to smile at clients at work? According to a BBC article, the people working for a rail firm do have to. This firm has recently introduced a computarised system to check on its staff`s faces. In order to improve service to customers, a smile scanner will measure the smile`s curvature, so the staff should smile broadly. The system will be operating in around 15 Tokyo stations, and those employees who don`t smile will be advised to look less serious and more friendly. In this way, rail firm owners will expect a high increase in their passengers` satisfaction with the service.


1 comment:

  1. Dear Sparkling:
    I read your writing about the importance of smiling wherever we are. This is true, because when we enter to any place, on the wall there is a paper saying "Smile, we are filming you". I think that when we smile, there is a connection between each other and it represents the way of being polite and interested in the human being we have in front of us. To sump up, smile because it is still free.
    Miss Squirrel
