Saturday 15 May 2010

Overcoming differences

Searching the Internet I came across this article which I found very interesting. It is taken from BBC News and it’s about different cultures and religions in British schools. One day a week, two West Yorkshire junior schools are swapping students to help them learn more about different cultures and religions. The purpose of this initiative is to enable children to interact with children outside their own religion and to experience other cultures.
I think it would be interesting to implement this, here, in Argentina, to stop the discrimination that exists nowadays in our schools. Children tend to discriminate other children from a different culture, religion or nationality. Sometimes, they can be really rude and offensive. But not only children do this, adults can have more prejudices than the children. So, one way to start correcting this behavior would be this one, to expose children to a different culture and to a different nationality and to make them realize they are very much alike.
Taken from BBC News.


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