Saturday 1 May 2010


Misery is a novel written by Stephen King. It´s an interesting, sad and terrible story, about an obsessive fan called Annie Wilkies. She is the number one fan of a writer called Paul Sheldon. He is an important novelist who wrote some pulp fiction novels in which the main character is Misery Chastein. After rescuing him from a terrible car accident, Annie discovers that he had decided to kill her favorite character and discontinue the series. So she confines Paul in remote cabin and forces him to rewrite his last book. Paul Sheldon used to write for living, but now, he was writing to stay alive. Nobody knew anything about him, she had kidnapped him. He tried to escape many times but he couldn´t. Finally, he went away.
This story shows how obsession could influence on people mind. Some experts talks about `` obsessive-compulsive disorder´´, that is a mental illness in which a person experiences recurrent, intrusive thoughts (obsession) and feels compelled to perform certain behaviors (compulsions) again and again. This obsessive- compulsive disorder usually begins in adolescence or early adulthood. There are many types of obsession, fan obsession, love obsession are the most common ones. But there are many others that are not so frequent, so be careful if you have some of the following symptoms, you can be an obsessive person.
Obsession about germ´s contamination, for example, people with this obsession may avoid shaking hands with other people because they fear contamination.
Obsession about injury someone, for example, people who may avoid driving because they fear injure someone in a traffic accident.
People with checking compulsion, they check and may sure they locked doors and windows or turn off water faucets.


1 comment:

  1. I loved the book!! And the movie too. Stephen King has a unique style when writing.

