Saturday 1 May 2010

Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes

Folwers for Algernon is a science fiction short story of a mentally disabled man who eagerly awaits to be operated in orded to increase his IQ.
"I hope they use me", are the sad words of Charlie Gordon, a 37 year old man who wants to be chosen to undergo this complicated surgical intervention. The thing is that it has just been practiced on a laboratory mouse,Algernon, and Charlie would be the first human being to experiment on. Throghout Charlie´s daily reports (which doctors asked him to write to analize his progress), we come to realize not only his medical evolution but also his inner feelings. While doctors just think in terms of a successful operation, Charlie innocently shows the reader how difficult to fit society is for him, even when he has reached a high IQ level.
I asked myself when I first read the story, how´s that ambitious doctors could take advantage of an innocent man who was clearly not aware of the risks of the operation? Was it worth doing it? Why did Charlie think that being smart was the only way of being accepted?
Though quite controversial, I think it is a nice story to reflect upon our society values.


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