Saturday 17 September 2011

A recipe from my childhood

When I was around 7 or 9 years old I remember sometimes, waking up in the morning with a sweet and delicious smell. My mum would get up earlier than anyone and would prepare French toasts for all of us. Those mornings would be long and would also get everybody together. Today I was looking for some recipes and I came across this one of French toasts, and would love to share it with you. By the way! It is very simple!
The ingredients you need are: three eggs, ¾ cup milk, one teaspoon of vanilla, one tablespoon of butter, 4 slices of bread and some sugar.
First, you need to melt the butter in the frying pan. Mix the eggs, milk and vanilla in a bowl, moist the slices of bread in it. Fry the soaked bread in the frying pan and sprinkle some sugar in it.
 I haven´t try it yet, but I will this weekend…perhaps! Hope you try it and enjoy it!

Bloo Star


  1. Mmmmmm ... delicious, this was also a recipe my mother used to cook when I was a child especially on rainy days. I used to sprinkle some sugar and cinnamon on top of them.Nice memories, thanks for posting this!

  2. Great post!!I love cooking, so when I have some free time, I'm going to make some delicious French toasts.Well,perhaps mine won't be so delicious, but I can try!!


  3. Im not good at cooking, but this recipe seems so easy! I will try to make some delicious French Toasts!!! thanks for the recipie!!!!
