Friday 3 June 2011

An unconscious mother...

The other day I was watching the news and something paralysed me. A 34-year-old woman called Kelly Campbell injected Britney´s face, her 8-year-old daughter, with Botox and gave her body waxes to guarantee she will become famous as a teenager. Kerry gave her daughter five injections in three different locations on her face because the little child was complaining about her wrinkles. She said that this treatment gave confidence to her child. What is more, Britney admitted that she used to cry a little at first, but then, she got used to the injections. The girl added that now she was prettier than before.
A Botox expert said that Kerry was at serious risk of damaging the child for life. In my opinion, this mother is not good at all. What she did is terrible. How far parents can go?? Till what point is physical appearance so important??   



  1. As far as we can see parents can go too far. I think this woman should interest in her child's education, values and personal life. However, she might consider appearance much more important. It is difficult to believe ! It's a good post, thanks for sharing it.

  2. This is another example of what is happening nowadays as regards the concept of beauty, and its relevance to certain arenas of society and life.
    The body is not a toy with which we can play or do whatever we want.My God!!This case is really horrible!!!

  3. Hi Tania! I totally agree with your opinion about the news that you´ve heart on tv.I really believe that those kind of persons, don´t deserve to become mothers.
