Saturday 2 July 2011

The Obedient Wives’ Club

  The Obedient Wives’ Club is an article published by BBC News. It is about a Muslim Women’s Club in Malaysia and it’s controversial because in that nation many Muslim Malaysian women hold high posts in the government and the corporate world.
  The founders of the group say that domestic violence and prostitution could be cured by keeping their husbands happy, especially in the bedroom.
  On the other hand, Human Rights groups believe that the club is an insult to both men and women. According to the minister of women, family and community development, these sorts of activities give the Islam and the country a bad name. And the local journalists, who are concerned about women’s rights, wives are probably being turned into slaves by their husbands.
  On the other hand, the organisers were not surprised at all by this type of reaction. What’s more, they hope to expand the membership across South East Asia.
  I really was shocked when I first read the article because I heard that the same group launched a polygamy club two years ago. However, we should not judge people from cultures and religions different from ours without being well-informed about their situations.



  1. I cannot believe that in the XXI st. Century , there are cultures in which women are treated as If we are living in the Medivial Ages.In Moslem´s countries , their husband´s consider them as objects without reason.
    Graffiti Women

  2. I think that you are right about it. Although the article is shocking, we should not judge people from other cultures and religions. In our western society many people do terrible things and nothing is done or will be done.

  3. sorry. I forgot my nickname Tania.
