Wednesday 29 September 2010

A poem

This is for us, to remember where we come from, and what anonymous people do for us. And finally to understand that war is not an alternative. The key is in the words!!
Respect the others in their differences, as you value yourself in front of a mirror.

The return to the islands

I stare at the snap shot
And I see green everywhere,
I look up, and there it is
The sun, with its sunbeams,
There is white and light blue too.
I am young and so they are,
Suddenly strange sharply words
Come deeply into my ears.
I raise my head, there are no greens.
I look up, but the sun has gone.
The white and light blue have vanished.
I look at me, I’m old.
There are scars in my hands, I’m lonely,
There is nothing around me
But white crosses and a thin boy
Passing by, belting out a sharply melody
Made of unknown words.

Ignatius Reilly

1 comment:

  1. I love this poem. I wonder who the author is. I think the "pictures" that are used as resources of poetry are quite moving and beautiful.
