Sunday 4 July 2010

No one less

No one less is an interesting, didactic, attractive and constructive Chinese movie. This movie is based on a real history which takes place in China. Where a young girl called Wei Minshi, who has no previous experience in teaching English, has to work as a substitute teacher in a rural school. At the beginning, Wei Minshi had many problems with students because she teaches English using a traditional approach, with an inflexible and structural framework. For instance, students copy lessons from the blackboard and there was no interaction among them. Everything was mechanical; there was no motivation, pupils were passive actors in the process of learning. They were not interested in learning anything, but what was worst a ten-year-old student decided to escape from school to the city. So the teacher tries to find this pupil and bring him back as soon as possible. This situation affects everybody in classroom; it is the first time that students and teacher have had the same interest and work together to find out a solution. The relationship between them completely changes; they collect money and work out to get his partner back as soon as possible.
I think that it is a good story to take into account as future teachers no matter if they have experience or not, anyway we should try to motivate students as much as possible. Whenever you teach, it is necessary to give students a real situation, real context that interests them and teach them to work together in order to share their believes, thoughts and feelings.


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