Saturday, 25 September 2010

A Profile

One of the people I really admire is neither rich nor famous, nor even particularly talented. However, he is a hard-working man. Under a dark suit, a light-blue shirt and a typical peaked hat, hides a special person: his name is Héctor, and he is my father.

One of the reasons why I admire my father is that he is a real persevering born-fighter. He grew up in extreme poverty, in a little town in Santiago del Estero. Although his family condition made him work and study when he was a child, he had a happy childhood. However, when he was sixteen years old, he couldn´t stand his mother´s spankings and he ran away to Buenos Aires. There, he met a young amusing girl who would be his wife four years later. But it wouldn´t be easy because he needed a job to support his new family. It was then that he decided, influenced by my grandfather, to be a police officer. He had to work hard all his life in order to get all that a person dreams of: a home and a career.

Another reason for admiring my father is that he loves his job and he works gladly, although everyday he has to face from the most unusual petty crimes to the most cold-blooded murders. He also works like a psychologist when people come to the police station because they don´t know, for example, how to bring up their children. He has a kind heart and he is always delighted to help people.

Finally, I also admire him for his conservative ideas about life. He has influenced me since I was a child. He always supports me in everything I take up, and he has showed me confidence. He has taught me how to behave in some sorts of situations and when he punished me, he was strict. Now, as a grown up, I´ve learnt the difference between right and wrong, so I can understand why my father was so stern when I was a child.

My father is a special person. He has raised me the best he could, he has given me everything he could, but he has had a significant influence on my life. First of all, because he is my father, a good carefree father, and thanks to him I am who I am: a good carefree person, too.



  1. How identified I felt after reading this profile!!!. I agree with you, because I also admire my father a lot!!. I think that we are too lucky to have a father who can teach us values, who can give us all his love because not so many people have this luck. Maybe these people grew alone or far away from him, maybe their father treat them in an aggressive way or maybe he died before they were born. In my opinion, grow up with your father and your mother next to you, it is very important and I can not imagine living without them.

  2. Butterfly it is really motivating hearing people dedicating such words to their parents, or your father in this case. He would probably be very proud of you too.

